5.00(25 Ratings)
How to Make a FPS Game – Unreal Engine 5 Multiplayer
Create a complete multiplayer first-person shooter from scratch using Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints.
What You'll Learn
- How to make an Unreal Engine 5 first-person shooter with multiplayer.
- How to add character movement and animation.
- How to equip, drop, pick-up, shoot and reload weapons from pistols to rifles.
- How to create a complete inventory system with drag and drop functionality.
- How to deal damage, including health and armor.
- How to design levels from scratch from materials to lighting.
- How to spawns and respawns players after death.
- How to add team selection with winning conditions.
- How to create and display user interfaces from avatars to overlay of game elements.
- How to create and add visual and audio effects.
What I will learn?
- How to make an Unreal Engine 5 first-person shooter with multiplayer.
- How to add character movement and animation.
- How to equip, drop, pick-up, shoot and reload weapons from pistols to rifles.
- How to create a complete inventory system with drag and drop functionality.
- How to deal damage, including health and armor.
- How to design levels from scratch from materials to lighting.
- How to spawns and respawns players after death.
- How to add team selection with winning conditions.
- How to create and display user interfaces from avatars to overlay of game elements.
- How to create and add visual and audio effects.
Course Curriculum
01. Introduction
02. Environment Creation
2.06 Lighting the Environment
23:46 -
2.07 Environment Optimization Tips
03. Player Movement
3.01 Importing the Characters
02:56 -
3.02 Parent & Child Blueprint Classes
04:53 -
3.03 Setting up the Character
08:31 -
3.04 Game Mode & Player Controller
04:58 -
3.05 Input Mapping Context
05:14 -
3.06 Adding the Input Mapping Context
05:13 -
3.07 Blueprint Interface
06:53 -
3.08 Player Movement
07:07 -
3.09 Importing the Player Animations
03:27 -
3.10 Creating IK Rigs
06:58 -
3.11 Creating an IK Retargeter
06:49 -
3.12 Fixing the Hands
05:40 -
3.13 Retargeting the Animations
04:36 -
3.14 Introduction to Blend Spaces
03:35 -
3.15 Unarmed Blend Spaces
08:40 -
3.16 Introduction to Animation Blueprints
03:53 -
3.17 Movement Speed & Direction
07:47 -
3.18 Multiplayer Crouch Input
02:34 -
3.19 Multiplayer Crouch Function
11:54 -
3.20 Crouching Animation Blueprint
07:29 -
3.21 Variable Replication
03:08 -
3.22 Animation Smoothing
02:46 -
3.23 Multiplayer Walk
06:00 -
3.24 Walking Animation Blueprint
04:46 -
3.25 Multiplayer Jump
04:59 -
3.26 Jumping Animation Blueprint
07:37 -
3.27 Introduction to Enumerations
02:47 -
3.28 Switching Movement Variables to Enums
10:46 -
3.29 Switching the Animation Transition Rules
06:08 -
3.30 Fixing the Player Size
03:54 -
3.31 Setting the Movement Speed
04. Player Aim
4.01 Aim Offset Blend Space
02:04 -
4.02 Preparing the Aim Offset Animations
04:56 -
4.03 Adding Animation to the Aim Offset
02:31 -
4.04 Calculating the Aim Direction
05:47 -
4.05 Adding the Aim Offset
02:19 -
4.06 Adding Player Camera to Head
06:27 -
4.07 Hiding the Player Model Head
03:10 -
4.08 Adding a Third Person Mesh
03:04 -
4.09 Camera & FPS Smoothing
05. Player Movement Improvements
5.01 Adjusting Movement Speed
02:38 -
5.02 Adjusting Animation Speed
10:14 -
5.03 Fixing the Camera Wall Clipping
05:50 -
5.04 Fixing the Jumping Crouch
06:01 -
5.05 Fixing the Remaining Crouch Bugs
01:07 -
5.06 Preparing the Footsteps SFX
05:27 -
5.07 Timer by Event
06:51 -
5.08 Multicast Replication
09:17 -
5.09 Footsteps SFX Conditions
06. Spawn System
6.01 Placing the Spawn Points
05:53 -
6.02 Storing Spawn Point Information
08:07 -
6.03 Importing the UI Assets
04:21 -
6.04 Importing a Custom Font
02:54 -
6.05 Introduction to Widget Blueprints
05:26 -
6.06 Displaying the Team Selection UI
12:32 -
6.07 Dynamic UI Size for All Screen Sizes
05:13 -
6.08 Designing the Team Selection UI
21:24 -
6.09 Button Sound Effects
03:05 -
6.10 How to Spawn Actors
07:19 -
6.11 Player Spawn Location
05:32 -
6.12 Game Mode Blueprint Interface
02:15 -
6.13 Finishing the Team Selection Logic
05:08 -
6.14 Spawning the Player
04:27 -
6.15 Setting the Input Mode
03:14 -
6.16 Placing a Spectator Camera
07. Pistol & Rifle Animations
7.01 Pistol Blend Spaces
05:50 -
7.02 Rifle Blend Spaces
03:58 -
7.03 Pistol Aim Offsets
02:23 -
7.04 Rifle Aim Offsets
02:14 -
7.05 Blend Poses By Bool
04:15 -
7.06 Blend Poses By Enum
05:53 -
7.07 Pistol Animation Blueprint
03:05 -
7.08 Rifle Animation Blueprint
02:20 -
7.09 Finalizing the Animation Blueprint
08. Equipping & Dropping Weapon
8.01 Importing the Weapon Assets
03:16 -
8.02 Setting up the Weapon
05:50 -
8.03 Enabling Physics
04:03 -
8.04 Replicating Actors
01:22 -
8.05 Weapon Overlap
04:34 -
8.06 Setting the Weapon Type
02:31 -
8.07 Checking if Player Has the Weapon
04:09 -
8.08 Looting the Weapon
11:17 -
8.09 Creating the Weapon Socket
10:00 -
8.10 Creating the Remaining Sockets
05:51 -
8.11 Attaching Weapon to Hand
14:05 -
8.12 Attaching Weapons to Back
10:58 -
8.13 Overlapping Two Weapons at Once
13:33 -
8.14 Creating the Weapon Structure
05:08 -
8.15 Creating the Weapon Data Table
09:10 -
8.16 Using the Function Library
08:03 -
8.17 Adding the Weapon Name
03:08 -
8.18 Replacing the WeaponType Variable
05:03 -
8.19 Drop Weapon Input Action
02:02 -
8.20 Drop Weapon Logic
04:48 -
8.21 Drop Weapon Rep Notify
09:51 -
8.22 Resetting the Rep Notify Value
06:18 -
8.23 Weapon Interaction Boolean
05:25 -
8.24 Removing Interaction from Dropping Player
07:07 -
8.25 Weapon Player Interaction Improvement
08:03 -
8.26 Looting Weapon with Keyboard Key
16:58 -
8.27 Setting the Equipped Item Type Correctly
02:28 -
8.28 Fixing the Looting “Accessed None” Error
05:18 -
8.29 Cleaning up the Code
13:04 -
8.30 Fixing a Small Replication Issue
09. Weapon Switching
9.01 Weapon Switching Input Actions
02:11 -
9.02 Weapon Switching Logic
07:47 -
9.03 Equip and Unequip Weapon RepNotify
04:47 -
9.04 Equipping Secondary Weapon
02:30 -
9.05 Creating Animation Montages
02:04 -
9.06 Adjusting the Animation Blueprint
04:37 -
9.07 Equip Animation Multicast
05:59 -
9.08 Setting up the Weapon Display Widget
02:41 -
9.09 Designing the Weapon Display UI
06:09 -
9.10 Displaying the Weapon Display UI
04:05 -
9.11 Coding the Weapon Display Functionality
06:02 -
9.12 Adding Weapon Thumbnail to Structure
08:26 -
9.13 Unequipped Weapon UI Opacity
05:21 -
9.14 Adding Equip Sound Effects
10. Weapon Shooting
10.01 Creating the Crosshair UI
03:09 -
10.02 Displaying the Crosshair
02:52 -
10.03 Adding Weapon Properties to Structure
01:11 -
10.04 Shoot Weapon Input Action & Structure
08:41 -
10.05 Creating the Weapon Shot Timer
18:21 -
10.06 Line Trace By Channel
13:21 -
10.07 Adjusting the Player Collision Settings
08:31 -
10.08 Creating the Muzzle Flash Sockets
02:35 -
10.09 Shooting VFX & SFX
06:26 -
10.10 Preventing Shooting During Equip Anim
05:56 -
10.11 Creating the Ammo UI
06:04 -
10.12 Setting the Initial Weapon Ammo Amount
06:37 -
10.13 Creating the Ammo UI Logic
04:52 -
10.14 Update Ammo UI
05:02 -
10.15 Hide Ammo UI
06:03 -
10.16 Calculating Ammo
06:20 -
10.17 Reload Weapon Animation
05:20 -
10.18 Reload Weapon Functionality
11:27 -
10.19 Shooting Conditions
07:31 -
10.20 Reload Weapon With Keyboard Key
05:48 -
10.21 Reload Weapon on Weapon Switching
03:31 -
10.22 Adding Pistol Shooting
03:06 -
10.23 Stopping Shoot VFX on Weapon Switching
07:13 -
10.24 Shooting Animation
13:52 -
10.25 Out of Ammo SFX
07:45 -
10.26 Bullet Impact VFX & SFX
22:02 -
10.27 Bullet Spread
05:39 -
10.28 Placing the Weapons Correctly
11. Health, Armor & Damage
11.01 Designing the Health & Armor UI
12:01 -
11.02 Applying Damage
09:33 -
11.03 Player Info Structure
01:46 -
11.04 Player Info Data Table
05:08 -
11.05 Setting the Base Health & Armor
04:45 -
11.06 Health & Armor UI Functionality
05:08 -
11.07 Updating the Health & Armor UI
04:09 -
11.08 Dealing Damage to Health
04:23 -
11.09 Dealing Damage to Armor
05:13 -
11.10 Preventing Looting Multiple Rifles
12. Death & Respawn
12.01 Death
08:35 -
12.02 Drop Weapon When Dead
23:20 -
12.03 Respawn
09:03 -
12.04 Not Dead RepNotify
09:06 -
12.05 Resetting Health on Respawn
01:40 -
12.06 Preventing Team Damage
13. Team Score
13.01 Designing the Score UI
06:18 -
13.02 Designing the Team Win UI
02:18 -
13.03 Score and Team Win UI Functionality
05:38 -
13.04 Keeping Track of Alive Players
07:07 -
13.05 Keeping Track of Dead Players
03:09 -
13.06 Keeping Track of All Spawned Players
01:40 -
13.07 Checking the Amount Of Living Players
06:03 -
13.08 Team Win Announcement
13:17 -
13.09 Adding the Team Score
07:34 -
13.10 Respawning the Players
14. Game Improvements
14.01 Adding Impulse on Weapon Drop
04:46 -
14.02 Improving the Weapon Weight
03:12 -
14.03 Removing Reload SFX on Weapon Drop
05:46 -
14.04 Adding Team Announcement Win SFX
05:47 -
14.05 Adding Enemy Hit Indicator
08:28 -
14.06 Adding Ambience SFX
02:10 -
14.07 Removing Mag When Reloading
09:21 -
14.08 Fixing Reload Bug on Weapon Switching
03:28 -
14.09 What Now?
Student Ratings & Reviews
Total 25 Ratings
25 Ratings
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0 Rating
Amazing journey with him.
Best Tutorial I have done. Really Helpful. Great support on discord.
This is a fantastic course. Excellent pacing in tutorials. Highly recommend for anyone who is interested in multiplayer game mechanics and just game development in general. This is gold.
Very good course that goes thru every little bit that you would need to know to be able to build a multiplayer fps game. I really recommend this course!
great lession, clear english speech,give me a good unstand on multiplayer development.
This is the best first person shooter course in Unreal Engine 5. You're missing a lot if you're not taking it. Thanks to the instructor for everything.
This course is very detailed and explanation is clear. The course content is complex with lots of professional techniques explained clearly. It makes me feel like I am making a real professional game, not just some beginner games from amateurish tutorials.
I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to learn Multiplayer in Unreal Engine 5. I have never found such a comprehensive Multiplayer course before in my life. My expectations were blown away each section with the amount of content available.
Teacher talks at a good speed for non-English students to follow without problems. I took another course with this teacher, and I think he is a very competent teacher.
This course has been the most amazing course I've taken in Game Instruct. I came from Unity and I wanted to learn Unreal but I don't really like to program in C++. I'm a Java developer in my work and I like to write code using Blueprint instead of using C++. So this course has all good stuff for me: Blueprint, multiplayer, tons of hours of learning and a great community behind. When I got stuck, I went to his discord channel and they solved my problems.
And Moustafa is a great teacher and communicator, I like so much his way of teaching. It has been a long way since I started this course, but being constant I finally finished it!
Now I'm going ahead to his new course!
And Moustafa is a great teacher and communicator, I like so much his way of teaching. It has been a long way since I started this course, but being constant I finally finished it!
Now I'm going ahead to his new course!
wonderful course
He's a amazing teacher, he chat with his community, and always answer Q&A, that's the best course about UE5 that you could take.
Course Curriculum
01. Introduction
02. Environment Creation
2.06 Lighting the Environment
23:46 -
2.07 Environment Optimization Tips
03. Player Movement
3.01 Importing the Characters
02:56 -
3.02 Parent & Child Blueprint Classes
04:53 -
3.03 Setting up the Character
08:31 -
3.04 Game Mode & Player Controller
04:58 -
3.05 Input Mapping Context
05:14 -
3.06 Adding the Input Mapping Context
05:13 -
3.07 Blueprint Interface
06:53 -
3.08 Player Movement
07:07 -
3.09 Importing the Player Animations
03:27 -
3.10 Creating IK Rigs
06:58 -
3.11 Creating an IK Retargeter
06:49 -
3.12 Fixing the Hands
05:40 -
3.13 Retargeting the Animations
04:36 -
3.14 Introduction to Blend Spaces
03:35 -
3.15 Unarmed Blend Spaces
08:40 -
3.16 Introduction to Animation Blueprints
03:53 -
3.17 Movement Speed & Direction
07:47 -
3.18 Multiplayer Crouch Input
02:34 -
3.19 Multiplayer Crouch Function
11:54 -
3.20 Crouching Animation Blueprint
07:29 -
3.21 Variable Replication
03:08 -
3.22 Animation Smoothing
02:46 -
3.23 Multiplayer Walk
06:00 -
3.24 Walking Animation Blueprint
04:46 -
3.25 Multiplayer Jump
04:59 -
3.26 Jumping Animation Blueprint
07:37 -
3.27 Introduction to Enumerations
02:47 -
3.28 Switching Movement Variables to Enums
10:46 -
3.29 Switching the Animation Transition Rules
06:08 -
3.30 Fixing the Player Size
03:54 -
3.31 Setting the Movement Speed
04. Player Aim
4.01 Aim Offset Blend Space
02:04 -
4.02 Preparing the Aim Offset Animations
04:56 -
4.03 Adding Animation to the Aim Offset
02:31 -
4.04 Calculating the Aim Direction
05:47 -
4.05 Adding the Aim Offset
02:19 -
4.06 Adding Player Camera to Head
06:27 -
4.07 Hiding the Player Model Head
03:10 -
4.08 Adding a Third Person Mesh
03:04 -
4.09 Camera & FPS Smoothing
05. Player Movement Improvements
5.01 Adjusting Movement Speed
02:38 -
5.02 Adjusting Animation Speed
10:14 -
5.03 Fixing the Camera Wall Clipping
05:50 -
5.04 Fixing the Jumping Crouch
06:01 -
5.05 Fixing the Remaining Crouch Bugs
01:07 -
5.06 Preparing the Footsteps SFX
05:27 -
5.07 Timer by Event
06:51 -
5.08 Multicast Replication
09:17 -
5.09 Footsteps SFX Conditions
06. Spawn System
6.01 Placing the Spawn Points
05:53 -
6.02 Storing Spawn Point Information
08:07 -
6.03 Importing the UI Assets
04:21 -
6.04 Importing a Custom Font
02:54 -
6.05 Introduction to Widget Blueprints
05:26 -
6.06 Displaying the Team Selection UI
12:32 -
6.07 Dynamic UI Size for All Screen Sizes
05:13 -
6.08 Designing the Team Selection UI
21:24 -
6.09 Button Sound Effects
03:05 -
6.10 How to Spawn Actors
07:19 -
6.11 Player Spawn Location
05:32 -
6.12 Game Mode Blueprint Interface
02:15 -
6.13 Finishing the Team Selection Logic
05:08 -
6.14 Spawning the Player
04:27 -
6.15 Setting the Input Mode
03:14 -
6.16 Placing a Spectator Camera